Theme Night

Tiffany Chung

Under what conditions is archaeology an art form?

With Roger M. Buergel
16 Apr 2019 | Johann Jacobs Museum | GE

Roger M. Buergel (JJM, Director) gives an introduction to the work of Tiffany Chung and puts the current exhibition at JJM into a broader context: What exactly distinguishes artistic cartography from the empirical representations of the world by cartographers? What resistance do things (materials, finds) put up against the human attempt to confer purpose and meaning on history?


Theme night on the occasion of the exhibition Tiffany Chung – Thủ Thiêm.


Title image: child’s shoe, retreived in Cây Bàng Street, Thủ Thiêm, from: an archaeological project for future remembrance, Tiffany Chung.