
The Transcultural Classroom

19 Sep 2016 | Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg/ Deutschland

The multi-year research and exhibition project Mobile Worlds begins with a large conference and a small exhibition.

The conference brings together voices from the university, the museum, art and institution-critical activism to take stock of the situation: what impact have the countless initiatives and projects on the epic topics “migration and museum,” “transculturality,” “mediation and cultural education” or “art and transdisciplinary research” had so far? Which elements of these debates and practices have proved effective and what connections can be drawn?

The exhibition stems from a first review of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg holdings. The objects here speak at least two or three languages, for example a coat by Alexander McQueen, who fought the British Empire with Indian patterns. The exhibition also presents the first findings of the object researchers. These are schoolchildren at the Erich-Kästner-Schule in Hamburg-Farmsen, who complement canonical museum knowledge with their expertise.


Sabine Schulze, Roger M. Buergel, Sophia Prinz, Esther Pilkington, Ulrich Schötker, Hans Peter Hahn, Friedemann Neumann, Paul Basu, Johannes Ismaiel-Wendt, Christian Kravagna, Arata Takeda, Mark Terkessidis, Nathalie Bayer, Ayse Güleç, Frauke Miera, Lorraine Bluche, Vassilis Tsianos, Manthia Diawara, Mirjam Shatanawi, Stefanie Kiwi Menrath, Agnes Wegner, Friedrich von Bose, Gülay Gün, Susan Kamel, Adrienne Edwards, Daniel Kurjaković, Adnan Softić, Sybille Peters, Jonas Tinius, Katharina Oberlik, Maike Gunsilius, Paul Mecheril