
The Chocolate Opera

23 Jun 2015 - 27 Jun 2015 | Johann Jacobs Museum

The Johann Jacobs Museum is part of a foundation founded by Klaus J. Jacobs that is committed to promoting young people. In some cases, young people can decide what exactly this funding should be for. The present case, the so-called chocolate opera, centered around the desire to open up the museum as a place of learning.

In recent years, the former coffee museum has become a kind of laboratory for researching and presenting global trade routes and their artistic residue. For us, the museum team, there is less the question of what we have to communicate and show than an intent to nullify the separation between institution and audience in a way that makes the museum an intellectual tool or senses-stimulating instrument for its visitors or users.

This is how the idea for a chocolate opera came into being:
Both the content and the performance were developed by teacher Tatjana Landa along with twenty 5th grade pupils from the village areas of Benglen and Pfaffhausen, part of the Schulgemeinde Fällanden – a cheerfully blended school community with Italian, Ethiopian, Montenegrin, Palestinian, German, Tamil, Jordanian, Swiss, Russian, Indian, Kosovar, Thai, American, Bulgarian, Arabic, English, Hungarian, Canadian and Syrian cultural backgrounds. The 3000-year history of chocolate is enacted in eight pictures.