Theme Night

Storytelling: Stories from the Sea

With Sophie Mauch
11 Dec 2019 7:00 pm | Johann Jacobs Museum | EN

Looking out over the lake, we let our minds travel to the seas – warm and sunny waves as well as icy ones in stormy weather. Departing from the stories written by ships in the exhibition “A Ship Will Not Come” we’ll explore the world on the water, on different kinds of floating constructions, and see what inspiration we find to tell stories of our own. In a second part we share them over a cup of tea and some nibbles. Our common language is English – for learners as well as native Speakers.

Admission ticket: CHF 25.-


Theme Night on the occasion of the exhibition A Ship Will Not Come.


Title Image: Guilherme Gaensly, Ship with immigrants at the entrance to the Harbor, Photograph, around 1900.