
Somali Connections

19 Mar 2014 | Johann Jacobs Museum

On the occasion of recently-completed research on the Somali diaspora conducted by the AOZ (Asylum Organization Zurich), the Johann Jacobs Museum and the AOZ DiskutierBar invites the public to a round table discussion on “Somali connections” that looks far beyond our own horizons.

After a short tour of the current exhibition Zheng Mahler: A Season in Shell, Bettina Preiswerk and Daniele Fabro (Johann Jacobs Museum) join Sarah Beyeler and Nicole Winkler (authors of the AOZ research) in a conversation pursuing the following questions, among others:

  • Is the current exhibition a plea for “ethnic business by Third World nobodies” that we cannot or do not want to imagine in regulated North-Western Europe in this form?
  • Is the Jacobs Museum’s new orientation a contribution to our migration policy discourse?
  • Would it simply take much more open framework conditions in North-Western Europe, or less regulated trade and business opportunities, for destitute, immigrant people from Third World countries to actually use resources?

Everyone is welcome to join in the discussion, though guests are welcome to simply listen as well.


In cooperation with the AOZ (Asylum Organization Zurich)

The research (in German) can be downloaded here from the City of Zurich website: Somalier/innen in Zürich. Lebensumstände und Perspektiven 2012 / 2013