
Polyphon II

With Eduardo Simantob, Romy Rüegger and Knowbotiq
10 Mar 2016 | Johann Jacobs Museum

The workshops are part of the interdisciplinary project De-Neutralize, held on the occasion of the art biennial Manifesta 11 in Zurich, as a cooperation between the Johann Jacobs Museum; Vertiefung Bildende Kunst, and Institute for Contemporary Arts Research at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK); and the Chair for the History of the Modern World at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). The workshops serve primarily to reflect methodologically on the question of how approaches in the global history of knowledge can be translated into shared forms of practice with analogous developments in art, in the context of exhibitions and in the area of political activism.



Eduardo Simantob
On the Johann Jacobs Museum’s curatorial practice

The Secret Life of Algorithmic Plants

Romy Rüegger
Unheld Interviews


Eduardo Simantob (São Paulo-Salvador/Zurich) works at the Johann Jacobs Museum and is a guest lecturer of Transmedia Storytelling at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. In 2014, he served as Chief Communications Officer and Editorial Director responsible for all publications and audio-visual releases for the 3rd Bahia Biennale in Brazil.

Romy Rüegger (Zurich) is an artist and writer. Her performances, audio works and texts deal with overlaps in social spaces, historical events and site-specific architectural elements. Projects include, among others, C’est elle qui souligne (On Invisibility) (Swiss Institute in Rome, 2016), Are you an underground? (Kunstmuseum Luzern 2015) and Touching Tones with Tender Buttons (district Berlin 2015, in collaboration with Anna Frei).

Knowbotiq experiment with forms and medialities of knowledge and epistemic disobedience. They are currently investigating the algorithmic life of plants, postcolonial plantocracies and cultural grammars of raw materials trading. Their work has been presented at international institutions and exhibitions including the Venice Biennale, Hong Kong Shenzhen Biennale, New Museum in New York and the Kunsthalle St. Gallen. Recipients of the 2012 Swiss Art Award, they hold a professorship at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).