
Open House Zurich

At Johann Jacobs Museum
26 Sep 2020 - 27 Sep 2020 | Johann Jacobs Museum | DE

Open House Zurich presents prominent architecture from various eras and offers free guided tours with architects, architectural conservationists, denizens and volunteers in over 80 buildings and outdoor spaces. The Johann Jacobs Museum is part of this event once again this year and will offer various guided tours.

The house at Seefeldquai 17 was built in 1913 by the architect Otto Honegger for the Zurich industrialist F. Ernst. The impression of the building is reminiscent of Bernese patrician villas and was once richly furnished inside. In the 1980s, the interior fittings were largely removed and replaced by a uniform, practical office interior.

The conversion by architects Miller & Maranta in 2013 aimed to revive the formerly strong spatial moods in a contemporary form and to use the character of the upper-class residential building for social events: museum, venue and representative space for the Johann Jacobs Museum and the Jacobs Foundation.