Artist Talk

Gonzalo Díaz

With Gonzalo Díaz and Roger Buergel
19 May 2016 | Johann Jacobs Museum

Terras do sem fim, in Gonzalo Díaz’s version, reminds us that the reality of representation sets its limits precisely where violence enters the picture. All the gripping events happen on this side of the horizon line: the wading through the cocoa sludge, the treacherous murder, electoral fraud and the servile press. Starting at the other side of horizon line is the very thing that eludes representation, but affects us nevertheless: the trauma of history.

Gonzalo Díaz describes the strands of his work on Terras do sem fim in conversation with Roger M. Buergel.

Before that, the “Decolonization” reading group meets in the library of the Johann Jacobs Museum. The reading group focuses on glimpses of coloniality and its feedback effects on Western knowledge. This evening’s discussion centers on Orlando Fals Borda’s Action and Knowledge and Olaf Kaltmeier’s Methoden dekolonialisieren.
The “Decolonization Reading Group in the JJM” is a collaboration between the Johann Jacobs Museum and the Institute for Art Education at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).