Theme Night

The Sea as Subject Matter for Contemporary Artists

With Hannah Baader, Armin Linke and Roger M. Buergel
10 Mar 2020 6:30 pm | Johann Jacobs Museum | GE

A conversation between Hannah Baader (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz / Max Planck-Institut), the Artist Armin Linke (Project “Prospecting Ocean”) and Roger M. Buergel (JJM) on the search for traces on the Ocean floor, maritime ecology and the Limits of international law.


Theme Night on the occasion of the exhibition A Ship Will Not Come. Events are included in the general museum admission ticket. The talk will be held in German.


Title Image: Armin Linke, Water Shop, Nukus (Aral Sea), Uzbekistan, Photography, 2001. Courtesy of the artist.